The CARAT Center, Inc.
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Cordillera Administrative Region Agribusiness and Technology (CARAT) Center, Inc.

A Private Sector-Managed Affiliate of the National Network of Agribusiness Development Centers (NADC Network)
Key to Agribusiness Growth and Development in the Philippine Cordillera

The CARAT Center aims to advocate, encourage, assist, and facilitate the competitiveness of agribusiness investments and technology-propelled sustainable development in the Philippine Cordillera Highlands.


Major Services
1. Business Center Services
2. Database on Agribusiness investment info / data
3. Database on Province-specific natural resource, land-use, and Key Commodity System (KCS)-specific profiles
4. Database on current agribusiness opportunities
5. Database on Province-specific and situation-specific information and commerciable technologies
6. Database on Province/Town-specific Agricultural Enterprises
7. Market and Agribusiness linkage/partnership services
8. Province-specific Strategic Agribusiness Development Planning
9. Relevant Commissioned Studies
10. Building Sustainable Strategic Partnerships between Entrepreneur-Investors, Farmer-Cooperatives, and other pertinent stakeholders.