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I. Feasibility Study Preparation Support
1. Covers the technical, management, organization and financial studies
2. Review, documentation and packaging
3. Project evaluation and appraisal of markets and collaterals
4. Other support services in accessing the loans from lending institutions
5. Prepare/provide the needed maps, sales, business, marketing, operations farm-lots, properties, land capability and land use, using the CARAT GIS network capability

II. Organizational Support
1. Membership recruitment and expansion
2. Strengthening thru Enterprise Development Training (EDT) workshops, PMES, Trainings
3. Capital Build-Up (CBU) campaign
4. Other success pillars for coop used by CDA/LBP
5. Team building and business building

III. Corporate Planning Support
1. Organizational and business directions, prospects and opportunities
2. Business and other plans
3. Financial plans and analysis
4. Marketing and market plans
5. Industry/sectoral/economic scenarios setting Business, economic and investment climate

IV. Management and Operations Support
1. Projects pre-line-up administration, review of project documents
2. Project implementation, objectives, goals and targets
3. Master listing of farmers, area and farmer assets
4. Strengthening of basic production groups and units
5. Record keeping, simple accounting per production, cluster/group and consolidated record and accounting, setting up of journals and ledgers of daily transactions
6. Farm operations and activities of the basic production groups or units
7. Management and operations audit support for yearly operations
8. Financial audit for compliance to CDA and others for yearly operations
9. Time table schedule and calendar of farm operations/activities per production group and consolidated operation

V. Project Monitoring and Evaluation Support
1. Keeping track the implementation aspects of all project activities and targets using a monitoring form by production group and farm performance
2. Evaluations of projects objectives and goals attained, factors attributed to completion of goals/objectives
3. Preparation of forms for monitoring and evaluation activities
4. Prepare and establish management and information systems (MIS) of the cooperative(s) (feedback-forward)

VI. Replanning Support on Previous Operations and New Targets, Activities, Projects and Other Revenue Generating Projects for the Coming Period for Use in Immediate Corporate Planning
1. Performance evaluation meeting, workshop, conference with the group team leaders, BOD and officers
2. Planning conference meeting workshop to draw up the next business and financial plans by setting up of targets for area and business expansion plans, revenue and cost budgets per group and consolidated cooperative per business activities.
3. Presentation of group team and consolidated cooperative performance evaluation and plans for the succeeding operations

VII. Other Services
1. GIS Applications Services
2. Database establishment
3. Linkaging and accessing to markets
4. Commissioned studies