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Cordillera Administrative Region Agribusiness and Technology (CARAT) Center, Inc.

The CARAT Center envisions Economically Vibrant and Socially Stable Provinces in the Cordillera Region in the Philippines.

Its mission is to facilitate, promote, and catalyze integrated agribusiness growth and sustainable development through the formation of rural enterprises, relevant agribusiness investments, development of appropriate competitive technologies, and resource/market linkages as well as capability enhancement opportunities.

The CARAT Center aims to:
(1) advocate, encourage, assist, and facilitate the competitiveness of agribusiness investments and technology-propelled sustainable development in the Cordillera. This will be achieved by:
- establishing investor-friendly databases and an information center for agribusiness growth and sustainable development;
- encouraging long-term partnerships between and among agribusiness firms/investors as well as farmers cooperatives and entrepreneurs;
- advocating support for appropriate operational and fiscal incentives and other local government policies in support of agribusiness systems;
- facilitating various ways and opportunities to catalyze and sustain agribusiness systems in CAR; and
- Matching and linking appropriate networks of agribusiness farms, enterprises, and investors in and out of CAR.

The Center also aims to provide appropriate products and services that are geared towards ensuring sustainable agribusiness development in Benguet, Mountain Province, Ifugao, Abra, Kalinga, and Apayao Provinces in the Philippines.

The CARAT Center stands for the Cordillera Administrative Region Agribusiness and Technology (CARAT) Center. It is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a non-profit and a non-stock organization. The CARAT Center was established through the concerted efforts of the private sector groups (i.e. agribusiness enterprises, cooperatives, and agribusiness associations), the Regional Agriculture and Fishery Council (RAFC), the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), the Benguet State University (BSU), and the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP), all in the Cordillera.

The Cordillera vegetables, fruits, and cutflowers/ornamentals industry has been left on its own. Thus, small farmer-entrepreneurs have been clamoring for better marketing systems and the convergence of government support in terms of entrepreneurial capability development, market matching, preparation of project feasibility studies, support in terms of pre-production, production, postproduction, and value-addition technologies; linkages between relevant government support agencies and private-sector groups. The CARAT Center was established to catalyze the convergence of these support systems in favor of the small farmer-entrepreneurs.

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